अहमदाबाद का गणेश वंदना परिवार पिछले नौ वर्षों से मिट्टी से गणेश जी की मूर्तियाँ बनाता रहा है और इस पार्थिव शिल्पकलासाधना के माध्यम से भारतीय कला, विद्या, योग, आयुर्वेद, अर्थशास्त्र, सौंदर्यबोध इत्यादि के विषय में सार्वजनिक जागरूकता की वृद्धि का कार्य भी निरंतर चलता आ रहा है।
गणेश वंदना के दसवें वर्ष में कुछ सुंदर आयोजन होने जा रहे हैं, जिनके लिए आप सबके साथ एवं सहयोग की आवश्यकता है। विडीयो देखें और गणेश वंदना परिवार से जुड़ें।
गणेश वंदना परिवार से जुडने के लिए ये विडीयो देखें और यहाँ दिए गए फॉर्म को भरें।
Every year during Ganesh Chaturthi, we make Ganesh ji’s Murtis from natural clay obtained from the potter, sourced from farms, rivers, ponds, lakes etc. These Murtis are beautifully crafted by hand (not in the mold unless until very urgent) and the colour applied on them is also natural, prepared from clay and stones obtained directly from nature. The work starts tentatively around the Amavasya of Ashadh month (approximately a month and a half before Ganesh Chaturthi) and goes on till Ganesh Chaturthi. The Murtis thus made are not sold, but given away to our Yajamaans, who are a part of Ganesh Vandana Parivaar. The Yajamaans also don’t pay cash in return of the Murtis, they bring some organic farm produce or ghee from a deshi cow (locally made, not sourced from some shop or dairy) or some art / craft piece made by a traditional artist / craft person and honour the Murtikaar.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Ganesh Vandana Parivaar
Starting from Jyeshtha (May – June) to Shravan (August – September) of every year.
You are most welcome. We engage in multiple activities in addition to making the Murtis too.
Yes, there are many things which can be done online and if you can come and participate in our activities, we may help you out in doing similar activities at your place as well.
We organize Holi Color Making Workshops, Nature Exploration Walks, Seed Ball Making Activities, Tree Plantation Drives, Yog Sessions, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Sessions, Traditional Food Awareness Programs, Visits to Organic Farmers, Visits to Gopalaks, Visits to Traditional Artisans, Satyanarayan Katha, Ganesh Yaag etc from time to time.
Fill up the form and you will be added to a WhatsApp group titled Ganesh Vandana 2025 and you will receive the notification for all the workshops organized by us. If you are already a part of the group, just keep looking for the announcements in the group.
The venue of all the workshops shall differ, but will be shared with you well in advance. The venue shall mostly be within Ahmedabad city, however some workshops may be conducted elsewhere too.
We may broadcast some of the workshops online, if you request (and if possible), however, we do insist that you come personally and experience the transformation within.
These sessions shall mostly be conducted on Weekends. The timings may differ as per the workshops.
These workshops shall have no fees. However, voluntary contribution is most welcome during all the workshops.
Ganesh Vandana Parivaar works like a family and the Murtis or any other creations are not sold, hence you shall not be paid anything in cash.
- An opportunity to learn Murti making
- An opportunity to participate in various workshops organized by
Ganesh Vandana Parivaar - An opportunity to visit organic farmers, Gopaalaks and
traditional artisans - An opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about
Bharatiya way of Life, Celebration, Aesthetics, Economics,
Adhyatma and a lot more - A group of passionate like minded people to befriend with
Ganesh Vandana Parivaar has all sorts of people from students to working professionals to homemakers to retired people to artists to freelancers etc.
Sure, but do make sure to ask them to fill up the form well in advance.